Animals in the outhouse /

Fröhlich, Anja

Animals in the outhouse / written by Anja Fröhlich ; illustrated by Gergely Kiss. - New York : Sky Pony Press, c2012. - unpaged.

How are the forest animals supposed to poop in an outhouse? One morning all of the animals in the forest awake to discover an intruder in their midst! A bright blue outhouse has been installed by the park ranger, who is tired of the forest smelling nasty and his dog treading in sticky animal poop! From now on the animals must do their business in the outhouse. Professor Grunter the boar, Billy the bear, Harriet the hare, Prickly the hedgedog, Fancy the fox, Stanley the stag,a nd Olive the owl all dpo their very best to use this strange and unnatural device. But was the outhouse really such a good idea?


Outhouses -- Juvenile fiction. Forest animals -- Juvenile fiction. Conformity -- Juvenile fiction.

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