All People Are Beautiful

Kelly, Vincent

All People Are Beautiful - United States Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream, Inc 2021 - 1 vol., unpaginated 20,5/20,5/0,3 cm Paperback

Kids recognize differences from a very early age. Follow along as kids are introduced to many multicultural differences, highlighting why they make us unique. Through creative rhymes and colorful illustrations, children will delight in finding ways to honor how being human brings us together. Interactive guide for kids to learn new words in different languages while celebrating our differences. Inclusion starts by recognizing how we each fit in. Children will learn that community is what brings us together, then practice what they learn through several activities. Kids will try their hand at speaking in different languages. They'll have a chance to design their own character, and create a personal flag.


Diversity Multicultural Inclusion

SL (Culture, Foreign Countries, Trends)


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